Earthquake Animation
Interactive Earthquake Browser
Northwest Creation Network
How Old is the Earth According to the Bible?
Raven Eye for the Sinner Guy
Windows of Heaven and the Physics of Creation
Last modified on February 13th, 2025 / Contact
Brian Davis
for comments. Use Resolution 800x600 or finer.
Earthquake Animation
Old Earthquake Animation
Information Source
1,167 images @ 0.1 seconds each; 120.2 Mb
Weekly images from 9-20-2002 to 2-13-2025
Earthquake Animation
Old Earthquake Animation
Information Source
Old Earthquake Animation (
uses a different map format
From 1-11-2002 to 8-16-2002 (32 weekly images & 4.2 Mb)
The dates shown below display fewer earthquakes than
actually occurred during that week's history, due to the
Iris system erroneously "blanking" the old data.
Earthquake Animation
Old Earthquake Animation
Information Source
The source of the above images
is from #2 (same as below)
Red is recent
, and goes to yellow after 15 days, then drops-off.
Started on 8-25-2002, but the earthquake scaling standardized on 9-20-2002.
Images added every 7 days.
This file will become really large over time.
Note to self: Frame at 722x360 pixels
Earthquake links:
IRIS Consortium Graphical Image of the recent Earthquakes
Earthquake Animation
Old Earthquake Animation
Information Source
How Old is the Earth According to the Bible?
Raven Eye for the Sinner Guy
Windows of Heaven and the Physics of Creation